Thursday, June 29, 2006

Work and Play

There a really not enough hours in one day for us to get entire satisfaction from play after work.
That is why if you are in a job that is blessed with having the weekend off you are lucky. For quite a
long period of time I have been working on a Friday night and a Saturday which leaves me the Sunday to play but by that time I am too tired to even eat let alone play, if you know what I mean.
I can't really say that I have it all bad during the week though, I start at 9am and I am out the door by 5pm on the dot. Monday to Friday. My play used to consist mostly of the good stuff but at the moment it is flat hunting and exercise so I can safely say I am stuck in a rut.
Most people at work are either constantly busy or really bored well I am glad that I am right in the middle. Somedays things will be really slow and other days i can't even see my desk from the paperwork piled on it, but it keeps me busy so i am not complaining. The only thing that i think worth complaining about in my job is the team i work in as it is not exactly organised. For the past couple of weeks it has been very boring as it seems when the world cup is on not many people attend work.
I arrived home the other day, ratty from the traffic. When i arrived i was thinking maybe when i get in dinner may be ready candles etc but no curtains were drawn and he was in bed ASLEEP. When he opened is eyes the only thing he managed to say to me was 'I am going to work tonight' he then went back to sleep.


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